Birth Census
Papyrus (P.London 104) at British Museum
- Translation: Gaius Vibius Maximus, the Prefect of Egypt,
declares: The census by household having begun, it is essential that all those who are
away from their nomes be summoned to return to their own hearths so that
they may perform the customary business of registration and apply themselves to the
cultivation which concerns them. Knowing, however, that some of the people from the
countryside are required by our city, I desire all those who think they have a
satisfactory reason for remaining here to register themselves before . . . Festus, the Cavalry Commander, whom I have appointed for this purpose, from whom those
who have shown their presence to be necessary shall receive signed permits in accordance
with this edict up to the 30th of the present month E
- Census Edict - Greek
text and translation of the census order text
Copyright 2001 - Douglas Gilliland