Jesus Seminar on the Pre-existence of Jesus
Keystone Ideas
- AKA the Quest for the Historical Jesus.
- "Demythologizers" - reject the supernatural.
- The Q document. A sayings document. No textual evidence for Q.
- Revisit the canon question. Five Gospels - the prominent role of the Gospel of Thomas.
The three Gospels are less reliable than Thomas. They are much less critical about Thomas
than the real Gospels.
- Fellows of the Seminar vote, using colored beads
to indicate the degree of authenticity of Jesus' words or deeds.
- Of the 387 reports of 176 separate events reported in the Gospels, the
Jesus Seminar voted that only 10 have a high level of assurance that the event really
happened. Combined with the probably took place category, the total rises to 29 events or
16%.. This is primarily parables and aphorisms.
- Some are nearly complete historical disbelievers. Crossan - only the resurrection is
- They claim that their results are not predetermined by theological
- The "scholars"
include Robert Funk, Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, [Bishop] John Shelby Spong. Elaine
Pagels is not a fellow of the Jesus Seminar, but shares their views on Thomas, etc.
- Extend work of liberal Tübingen, Germany school of late 1800's.
- The Jesus Seminar has no connections with the two major groups of New Testament
scholarship, the Society of Biblical Literature and the Society for the Study of the New
Testament -- neither of which has endorsed or interacted with the Jesus Seminar.
- Deny the resurrection and Virgin Birth (Bishop Spong as prominent example of this
- Mostly associated with secular universities.
- Adept at media manipulation. They dominant the public airwaves on Easter, etc., but deny
the Easter message of the resurrection.
All of the theories of the Jesus Seminar present a one-sided view of Jesus. Each
scholar lays claim to his own interpretation of Jesus.
- Jesus as Revolutionary (Crossan - Mediterranean Jewish peasant. Also Funk.)
- Jesus as Prophet (Borg - Jesus as mystic)
- Teacher of Wisdom (Borg)
- Founder of a Movement (Borg)
- Jesus as Apocalyptic Preacher (Schweitzer)
- Jesus as charismatic hasidic Jew (Vermes)
Links Against the Jesus Seminar
Links Supporting the Jesus Seminar
The following sites contains information supporting the Jesus Seminar. They are
included so that the investigator can check out what they say. Use discernment and caution
when visiting these sites.
Books Against the Jesus Seminar
All of these books are reliable and conservative books.
- Blomberg, Craig. The Historical
Reliability of the Gospels
- Boyd, Gregory. Cynic, Sage, or
Son of God?
- Bruce, FF. The
New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable?
- Copan. Will
the Real Jesus Stand Up? A Debate between William Lane Craig and John Dominic Crossan
- Craig, William Lane. Jesus'
Resurrection: Fact or Figment?
- Habermas, Gary. The Historical
Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
- Johnston, Luke. The Real Jesus:
The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus
- Montgomery, John Warwick. History and
- Moreland, JP. Jesus Under Fire
- Wright, N. T.
Jesus and the Victory of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God - Volume 2
Copyright 2001 - Douglas Gilliland